Friday, November 30, 2007

New words for Tetis

This morning it was rainy, so my (Tetis) plans changed. I hoped to take the boys on a walk to look for dogs and cats while we waited for the winter tires to be put on the minivan. So instead I dropped Mama and the boys off at Ieva's house for a visit (and to see the cat) while I took the van to the garage and worked on an upcoming class on population growth for math class at LCC.

In the afternoon, Pastor Modestas stopped for a visit while the boys were taking their nap. We had a good visit and a chance to talk about church life in both the Silute and Klaipeda churches. Modestas saw the boys when they awoke. In the evening I went to the regular Friday night Paaugliai (Junior High) meeting. This week Augenijus somehow got into his head that he was coming with me. Mama was able to distract him with something, and then he forgot about it--there are some advantages to him only being 2 years old.

I find I have expanded my Lithuanian vocabulary and use some words much more often that I expected to. Some of these words would be:

Labai gerai - Very Good!
Atsargai - Be careful (I use this very often!)
negalima - No, you can't do that.
Tau patinka? - Do you like (this)?
Po penkios minutes mes (einam/miegam/t.t.)-after 5 minutes we will (leave/sleep/etc).
Tu geras berniukas bet bloga darei - You are a good boy, but you did a bad thing.
Greitai, gretai! - Quickly! Hurry!
Reikia valgyk darzoves - You must eat your vegetables (I hated that when I was a kid)
Ar tu gerai miegoji? - Did you sleep well?
Ar reikia pampersio? - do you need a new diaper/pampers?

And, of course, the most important words:

As myliu tave - I love you!

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