Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We are all having our times with colds- runny/stuffy nose and tickling or sore throat. It makes going outside for any length of time unwise- but also challenging being inside.

The boys are testing repeatedly how much they can get away with and still learning what it means to respect mama and mama is being tested to see whether her nerves will hold up. If there could be attention to just one of them it could probably work out OK. Two has greater challenges- have to hope the other does not get into the wrong things while dealing with one. Erik seems to want to protect his younger brother from being corrected as well.

We have a little chair in a hallway corner now. For our version of time out. I overhead Erik talking one day about going to the corner. Before I started using this. So, I took the cue that they understand this from discipline in the group. Neither likes it. But it takes Augenijus many times repeatedly before he realizes he can change behavior to avoid it.

It is great to see them respond well to Gregg. Would probably be ideal if we could have had another week of Gregg being home to establish our living and discipline patterns. But life moves along.

Gregg teaches Tuesdays and Thursdays and this week he also does academic advising as students pick their courses for the next semester. And he has lunch one on one with various students throughout the week. This is becoming quite a regular ministry.

So that fact that we are getting less sleep, not sleeping well is making things pretty tough for all Gregg is involved with. He usually slows down when he gets a cold, but there is no time for that this time.

Now those of you out there praying for us have an idea where to start!

1 comment:

Randy and Karen Purves said...

Congratulations!!! I just read through your posts from the past month, beautiful! Maybe your visit to Plateliai will need to wait until the boys are not afraid of dogs as we have two! After ten days with five of our grandchildren next month they will be well adjusted to having children around :-) May God continue to give you grace and wisdom as you parent these dear little boys who now have a family! Blessings, Randy and Karen