Thursday, November 29, 2007

nap time

The afternoon nap is about the only hour a day I really have free to think and write. But it takes a bit to settle down after they are settled because it is still quite a struggle to get to that point. I really dislike the struggle.

The colds are getting better. Erik seemed to only have the sore throat one day. And the ugly cough Augenijus has is slowly getting better. I seem to be on top of mine now, just Gregg is fighting his.

One bright spot in the week for me and for the boys as it turns out is my participation in intramural volleyball at LCC. It runs two evenings a week. It is quite a motivator if they want to go they have to eat supper and get dressed.

The big hall there at LCC is a good place for them to explore and run. They need more running. We went this morning for a while too. Then they wanted to explore the bathrooms and locker rooms. When they ran into the men's locker room I did not follow. Augenijus came out crying with his head wet. He turned on the shower and was quite suprised by what happened! Mama now knows what the men's locker room looks like. Early morning there were no patrons.

Yesterday I went to a morning prayer breakfast with Klaipeda's pastors and priests, a monthly event. It was good to see the boys eagerly waving goodbye at the windows as I left as they do for their dad. And they squealed with happy greetings when I returned too. Since I have not been the one to leave, I miss out on all of the goodbyes and greetings.

It was very encouraging to be with this group of Klaipeda pastors again and to share with them as well. I got the comment- now we can talk with you about kids. :)

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