Thursday, July 3, 2008


This week the boys got to experience sleeping in a tent with daddy. Excitement cannot be captured in pictures or a blog! And they slept pretty well too Gregg says.

We also got a first visit in with Occupational therapy and that will continue Thursday for David. The boys also get their hearing checked. We travel to Exton, PA, a little over an hour from here. And we will have weekly appointments until we leave in August.

We learned that Lithuania has now passed a law in parliament that allows EU and NATO country citizens to have dual citizenship in Lithuania. This will be quite a blessing for our boys when the president actually signs it.

So we are on par now for our exit from the US on August 6.

We are also heading to NJ for the holiday after the Exton appointment. It is a holiday time that was always associated with celebrating my dad's birthday(July 4). Now we celebrate brother in law Eric's birthday (july 2) since Dad is no longer with us. But somehow it is always a time of remembering dad too.

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