Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weekend away

For pictures click here.

Apparently this is how I can refer others to the album I created on my Facebook page. Wonder how it will work...

Extreme hot for 2 days and then thunderstorm and rain and quite cold! So that was enough camping for us. Nice enough though. We did alright without a toilet in the house. Were able to take advantage of the "meal plan" of the camp, and went swimming in the lake 2 times- but did not have the camera along.

Thursday we will be off to a different town to stay in a guest house, and probably swim in a lake again weather permitting. We will head out of town just as the huge celebration of European culture comes to Klaipeda. Just read about it today- 4000 performers. And they will be fed at LCC- Michealson centras!

1 comment:

Out for Lunch said...

It worked, but if your in this week, pop in and see me and I will show you a simple and better way. It will make it easier for us readers and posher for your blog. But it worked.

Cheers Kel