Friday, November 13, 2009

Family Day is coming

On Nobember 16 is will be 2 years since the boys came home to live with us. We celebrate this with helium balloons and a couple of gifts. So, now the boys are counting the days. It is nice that they can now understand the concept and also have a little more concept of time now that they can count.

We actually will do the celebration on Saturday since we have more time for it then, and we have gotten a piece of furniture to put together for storing the boys' toys- rather than just a huge cardboard box!

Both boys are getting the idea of counting toward 100 and Erik can get to 30 almost by himself.

There has been a new interest in games of different kinds recently too. David is better able to concentrate now on a game like UNO for example. Erik would play games for an hour! This is certainly great to see since Erik has been natured to seek out the TV first before anything.

Maybe for Erik it is also a sign of his introvertedness. He is also good at saying that he is "shy" now when we ask him to interact or greet others.

There is one family that we are starting to get to know from LCC who has a 4 year old boy and 6 year old girl. They came to our place this weekend and the children had a really good time after they got warmed up to each other. Erik even made a point to say goodbye at the door which he has not usually done without coaching from us.

Perhaps this friendship will develop more as this family plans to be around for 3 years. Some others at LCC come and go more often. it also helps that Lars, the 4 year old is a fun boy for them to play actively with! He and his sister are also blonde so they make quite a group of blondies.

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