Wednesday, June 17, 2009

another family visit in pictures

We are enjoying Grandma and Aunt Gwen who arrived on Saturday. We got a slow start to activity - they adjusting after travel and we a little under the weather. (Actually I have had great difficulty for about 10 days and Monday got to a doctor. Confirmed that my untreated stomach reflux problem has probably been a part of this whole long string of sicknesses for me - who knew stomach affects respiratory system!!)
We got to a mini-zoo near Klaipeda. First time for us, so it was quite fun for the boys too.
Aunt Gwen also bought the boys a LEGO set that they are really enjoying.
Allergy season is affecting us and the boys... so it is a toss up, how much to be outside with white stuff floating up in the air... and how much we can contain so much energy inside. But whatever the case, the boys have not been getting afternoon naps in hopes they will go to sleep easier. It definitely makes a difference! No more fighting and watching over them for an hour after they are in bed.

Come Friday Gregg and I will try another 24hrs away again. have to admit we are looking foward to time for just the 2 of us.

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