Friday, June 25, 2010

Before Wildwood

Summer will get divided into segments- the first part, Wildwood and Black Rock weeks- 3 in all, and then back to regular schedule.

So here are some sights and experiences before going to Wildwood. (At the momemt we have a few days on our own in Wildwood, the only time for the summer we are not living with someone else)

and here is an early Father's day gift before we head to Wildwood- chocoaltes. The boys are very interested in all gift giving, though they get right in the middle of it and assume they will benefit. At the very minimum by helping to unwrap the gifts...

Friday, June 4, 2010

snapshot view

This post will have to represent the month of May, got stopped a few times in the process!

pictures will need to tell the story here. We enjoy time with Gregg's parents and his sister brings her dog from time to time. We also visited a family the boys got to know 2 summers ago, and my sister Carol's family, as well as my mother and other sister. As long as there is new activity the boys are quite happy. And the first weeks brought plenty of that. Now, surrounded by the same things they were so excited about in the first weeks we are a little suprised to hear from time to time, "I don't have anything to do." typical children I guess.